Estate Planning

Everyone needs to plan for the disposition of their assets in the event of their death.

Estate Planning


We provide comprehensive advice about the various estate planning techniques and approaches that are available to minimize the tax burden on our clients’ estates. For some clients, this involves complex tax-driven planning. For others, tax considerations are either non-existent or are simply not the driving force in decisions about the disposition of assets. For everyone, this includes a Will, and for many, one or more trusts are also appropriate. Depending on the client’s goals and situation, we may recommend a living revocable trust. In some cases, a will with a testamentary trust is more appropriate.

In addition, we recommend that everyone have a power of attorneyhealth care proxy, HIPAA authorization and living will (also known as a health care directive) and, when appropriate, a directive as to remains, and homestead declaration. Sometimes it also makes sense to re-title a house or condominium unit.  When these documents are drafted at the same time as a Will or Trust, we prepare them at little additional cost. Nonetheless, since these documents are essential to preventing the need for court involvement in the event of temporary or long term incapacity, they can provide significant savings in legal time and cost in the future. 

For our older estate planning clients, we also offer comprehensive Elder Law services. This may include advice about long term care planning or other issues that are more closely associated with aging.

We also assist our clients in thinking through the non-tax issues related to the disposition of their estates. At LaPointe & Days LLC you will find an attorney who listens carefully to your particular concerns, assists you in clarifying your wishes, and drafts documents tailored expressly to you own situation and needs.