
The law firm of Wade & Horowitz LLC was founded in February 2000

with the intent to provide a safe place and services to the LGBTQ+ community.

Attorneys Horowitz and Wade founded the first legal practice section of the

Massachusetts Lesbian & Gay Bar Association for attorneys seeking to

specialize in the area of LGBTQ+ legal planning. They also worked

closely with groups planning for the aging population in the

LGBTQ+ community. They were regular speakers in programs

for the legal education of other attorneys and programs to inform the

LGBTQ+ community directly.

One highlight of this firm's work was Attorney Ellen Wade's critical role

as a plaintiff in ground-breaking litigation in Massachusetts. She was one

of the plaintiffs in the right to marry lawsuit. She also was in earlier

litigation which forged the right for second parent adoption in Massachusetts,

enabling the second parent in a same-sex couple to adopt his or her partner's

biological or adopted child.

Today, each attorney at LaPointe & Days LLC continues to be

personally active in the LGBTQ+ community. This mission

will remain a part of our foundation.


Ellen K. Wade, Esq. (retired)

Gail E. Horowitz (1951-2019)